"The French pianist Jean-Louis Haguenauer proved himself an artist of technical poise and warmth of feeling in his Wigmore Hall recital on Monday evening, exploring the repertory from Schubert to Debussy with a touching simplicity and seriousness of purpose.
Some of his most impressive playing was heard in Mussorgsky's "Pictures at an exhibition" which formed the focal point of the recital. Gone was the evanescent quality he displayed earlier in Debussy's "Images" or the elegant lyrical tracery of his Chopin "Barcarolle", as he conjured a world of bold outline and monumental weight in a series of dramatic characterisations.
The recital had opened with Schubert's Three Piano Pieces D. 946 which were performed with a total lack of interpretative affection, enhancing their obsessive rhythmic quality – perpetually running as if on the spot, and these were followed by the first book of "Images".
Without in any way prettifying or devitalizing these exquisite pieces, Mr Haguenauer softened the outlines of phrases and texture, reconciling impressionist, non-developing harmony with a sense of purpose. He closed the first half with a fine performance of the Chopin, achieving nobility of sentiment and grandeur within its concentrated span."
Anthony Payne